Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Apr 27, 2016 in Kumamoto

It is rainy day. I brought a rain coat protected by GORE-TEX and a long rain boots so this is not issue.
I believe the worst thing for me is not the weather but this Blogger app for Android. When I try to attach any pictures in my post, every time the app has stopped and prevented me from removing the picture from my post. Maybe this is my mobile specific issue but I reported this issue to Google for now.

These are my activities today so far.

[05:40] arrived at Shinmoji port in Kita-Kyushu by ferry

[06:40] left Shinmoji toward Kumamoto by car through highway

         -- having a light food, getting some gas --

[09:00] arrived at Ueki IC

         -- having heavy traffic jam, exited highway --

[10:30] arrived at Ohkubo

         -- escaped traffic jam --

[11:30] arrived at Kumamoto

But unfortunately, today's registration of  volunteer has been already closed, oh my god! I was too late.

[Parking area for volunteers]

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