Thursday, April 28, 2016

KIZUNA on ramen shop network - Ichiren

I visited this ramen restaurant by introduction from Tokyo Stamp for the first time. Actually my first ramen in Kumamoto in my life :) According to the owner of Tokyo Stamp, this restaurant offers a kind of Hakata ramen not Kumanoto ramen, but someone feels more tasty than real Hakata ramen. That's why I visited here.  

As I forgot to remove the label for volunteering on my right hand, as soon as I entered this restaurant, she told me "You must be a volunteer person, right?". To be honest, I liked to visit here without notifying that, but it was my fault :(

I could talk with her about Kumamoto and the earthquake, whatever. Needless to say, she seemed to feel fear at that time because she haven't expected to have such huge earthquake in Kumamoto. Also she said she was really shocked to see the collapse of Kumamoto castle because she had ever worked there for some years.

I ordered the most popular menu, Hakata ramen and Chicken fry (Kara-age in Japanese) based on the recommendation by owner. Definitely the taste was really good! and also Kara-age was really nice for me.

Besides you should know if you get this bowl the logo of this restaurant printed on it, you are LUCKY :) because most of the bowls were broken at the huge earthquake. But she said though ramen shop network in Kyushu, she got lots of bowls from other ramen shop with their logo printed on. 

EAP: Early Access Post

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