Sunday, April 24, 2016

I chose POLESTAR not ULTEGRA Di2 for now.


The other day, I got a news from VOLVO dealer shop and it said that VOLVO had released POLESTAR for T5. Here T5 is one of the engines they supplies in Japan and the T5 is mine.

I had a certain budget for the same amount but I had a plan to switch component from 105 to ULTEGRA Di2 for my bicycle and didn't have a plan to install POLESTAR for my car.

However since I decided to visit Kumamoto, I had to think everything more unpredictable. So as a result of my careful consideration, I chose POLESTER not Di2 this time. I assume for most of audience, whether this decision is reasonable or not would be unclear, so let me explain about this next.

Let's think about the situation we were staying around Mt. Aso. If Mt. Aso began to erupt suddenly, everybody have to run away from the mountain as far as possible. In that case, probably we will be able to drive faster by our owned car rather than rental car in general.

In my case, as mine is VOLVO, the car is a little heavy actually :) so not much faster but stronger than most of other rental cars I believe. Then I need to make this car more powerful to avoid the second disaster in Kumamoto.

[What is POLESTER?]

POLESTAR is provided by VOLVO officially which enables all of our owner's car to be powerful and improve the accelerator response dramatically by only rewriting the software in car computer without tuning any hardware parts.

Regarding POLESTER, I assume some people have still confused because VOLVO offers not only POLESTER based tuning service also POLESTER model as below.


As far as I know, VOLVO allows us to purchase POLESTER model for only about 20 rich people :( Definitely I am not involved in them orz.

[What is ULTEGRA Di2]

In 1980s, all of cycle sports events in Europe were dominated by Campagnolo, an major cycle parts maker in Italy. Shimano developed a sophisticated concept, known as "Component" which is an integrated system being composed of braking system and shift stroking system.

Currently there two cycle parts vendors, Campagnolo and Shimano occupy the component market in the world. 105 and ULTEGRA are brand names in Shimano.

Besides Shimano also cultivated the most sophisticated brand, DURA-ACE for professional use, but needless to say I am not eligible nor supposed to use the brand because I am not a professional cyclist.

My main bicycle is COLNAGO AC-R with Shimano 105. The above image is 2016 model, but the frame is almost same with mine. There are two differences at least from mine. The one is the logo of AC-R and the other is the version of 105. The current latest 105 is composed of 11 speeds but mine is 10 speeds for rear gear. Also the performance of brake has also improved in the latest 105. If you need more details, please refer to blow URL.

COLNAGO AC-R 2016 (Japanese site)

Another aspect of ULTEGRA is whether we can operate it manually or electrically. While 105 has no option to operate it electrically, ULTEGRA has the option and it is called Di2. To be honest, I haven't ever owned Di2, so I am not confident to describe Di2 here. But I like to try, so please let me know if you found any typos or my misunderstanding about Di2 anytime.

If you search for Di2 in Youtube or other video sites, you will be able to find lots of information to understand Di2 itself. So here I would like to show you some basic information for beginners. The most fancy aspect for me is that Di2 allows us to customize the behavior by settings through Windows application :)


What is the difference between 105 (5800) and ULTEGRA in terms of braking & transmission system


EAP: Early Access Post

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